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Saturday, April 5, 2008


Sometime i confuse with my work... aku ambik course Accounting sebab aku rasa it take 1000 years to upgrade my knowledge. Sbb course lain macam IT, Perubatan, Perundangan, mereka2 ni perlu menghadiri krusus-krusus dari masa ke semasa. For accounts aku tak rasa sebab teorinya tetap akan sama.

Tapi kerja aku sekarang ni membuatkan aku makin confuse. Aku ada 2-3 format for my financial account. Satu, i have to give my boss real figure, real cost. Normal la tu, rite. But the problem is when you have 2 different company. And di sebabkan management ada lah sama, kalau di pikir dengan logik kalau company A keluar cost tuk company B ( take note comp A and B same owner) dan company B get the payment from customer, semua akan pikir, apa bezanya, dua-dua company aku. So bayar atau tak, still the money will be mine... dan itu yang berlaku.

If the company is SDN BHD, you cant claim you are the owner... director and the company are two diffrent entity... kenapalah susah nak faham? Bila berlaku kes yang aku sebut di atas, bila report keluar dia soal aku balik. Kenapa company A loss? sedangkan company B profit tinggi melambung. Macam mana nak cakap? Terangkan pun tak faham. Company A paid for the cost, and the payment received by company B and no cost out from company B. Than suka suki suruh buat adjustment... bila buat it show that Company B owe Company A in huge amount, bos aku melenting, what belongs to company A is belongs to company B as well....

Tention tak dengar citer aku ni? Aku lagi tention.

The auditor asik tanya aku... diorg pun pening kepala.Now my bos minta REAL report on accounting system. Sedangkan dlm computer aku ni aku key in semua cost incured (sama ada cost itu dah bayar atau belum ) janji suplier charge je aku key in. That will definitely will less the profit. And the reason i did that because to reduce the tax on profit. Well, that legal sbb bukan aku tipu invoice, kan? Kalau diorg check kat company supplier pun they already issue the invoice to us apa cuma kita je tak bayar. So pada inv yang kita tak bayar, i wont write in REAL financial report sbb bos aku nak REAL profit yang kita dapat. Kalau dia tengok mesti la dia mengadang. Macam mana lagi aku nak buat?

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