Dear Kak Shidah,
Hello…regarding your request for my opinion about Fidah’s prob…this is the best I could do…
First of all nak cakap, this is my view based on my limited knowledge about Obstetrics & Gynaecology (Sakit puan punya field), belum abis my proper education infact next year baru sambung my 2nd part of this module. So this is basically a rough guide…
So let’s start the discussion on explaining some important terms;

Since I’m being educated at the West, I should admit, org tak berapa biasa dgn terminology melayu on pregnancy…anyway I believe the following terms merujuk kepada;
Uri = placenta + amniotic sac
Placenta = medium perantara between baby & mother…di sini pertukaran darah between 2 nyawa berlaku…
Amniotic sac = fluid that surrounds + protects the baby from injury…
Umbilicus cord = Tali pusat, boleh diumpamakan mcm wayar kepada baby…benda ni yang membawa darah, makanan kepada baby…without it fetus/baby won’t survive!
Uterus= Rahim or English name dia “womb”, hanya ada pada perempuan…kat sini lah tempat baby akan develop sehingga dilahirkan…kat dinding uterus ni la placenta akan melekat, then develop…
Pangkal Rahim = the end part of the uterus called ‘Cervix’…pernah dengar kanser pangkal rahim? in western medicine we call them “cervical cancer”…di sini la tempat placenta menempel dlm kes placenta previa…
Regarding the bleeding problem …1st kena clear either darah tu continous, atau just on one occasion jer? What I mean is adakah pendarahan tu berlaku setiap kali buang air kecil?...then was there any pain masa tu?....then fidah pernah jatuh, or injured ke of any causes?
Pendarahan fidah ni, in medicine we call it, “ antepartum haemorrhage” – atau dlm melayu pendarahan ketika pregnancy (not accurately translated but near to that)…banyak benda boleh sebabkan pendarahan tu…but since fidah kata dia punya uri dekat dgn pintu/pangkal rahim, I assume that was her doctor’s diagnosis….in medicine we call it Placenta Previa
Placenta previa - seperti yang kak Zy katakana before this…I think she already explained it clearly…basically misplacement of placenta, instead binding on uterus it binds to cervix – pangkal rahim… ini mmg masalah penting dlm field Obstetrics due to its unpredictability nature…in other words biler2 jer dia boleh effect normal pregnancy…usually it happens more than 24weeks of pregnancy…the reason being, as the pregnancy moving toward labor period (melahirkan anak), cervix tu akan mengembang & lubang akan membesar utk prepare utk kelahiran baby…then apabila jadi mcm tu lagi senang baby akan “terjatuh” dari uterus ibu…ini berbeza kalo placenta tu terletak kat bahagian atas uterus… dlm kes fidah dia baru 5 months or around 21weeks of pregnancy (we use week rather than month for timing of pregnancy)… so agak pelik kes fidah ni, since my medical book defines placenta previa as such (happens after 24weeks of pregnancy)…I’m more incline to belive it was due to urinary tract infection (jankitan dlm salur kencing), but if it a confirmed finding by the doctor, it needs urgent precautions….
My advice is, don’t panic…itu paling penting…sometime the worrying is worse than the problem itself…patients & family members selalu inappropriately worry too much…they seem to forget the fact that to remain calm and relax, the best way to heal a disease/problem…fidah dah jumpa pakar, then serahkan pada doctor to manage her problem….kalo doctor pesan jgn buat kerja berat sgt please do stick to such advice…since the placenta position agak x stabil, jangan lah libatkan dlm activity yg berbahaya…kerja pun dah tak boleh sampai tengah malam…bed rest is really important!
Before leaving nak include some facts about pregnancy
1. Pregnancy is divided into 3 trimesters (weeks of pregnancy)
1st trimester – 0-14 weeks
2nd trimester – 15-28 weeks (believed to be the most sensitive period, where fetal development at its peak, fetal/baby movement should already be felt at this stage)
3rd trimester -29-42 weeks (most babies will survive if delivered around this time)
2. Normal delivery – 38-42 weeks of pregnancy
3. Preterm delivery aka premature delivery – less than 37weeks of pregnancy
4. Baby in theory on can survive, if delivered after 24weeks of pregnancy, before that period mortality is more likely to happen
OK till now,
-loves from Dublin-
The Half Blood Princess
- In your Hands, my life begins and ends-