Ya Allah sakitnya ati aku sekarang ni...
Tak tahu nak cakap macammana,tapi sakit sangat....sangat...
Kalau aku salah pun, perlu ke buat macam tu? Perlu ke? Patut ke? Just run away like thatkan... yang aku tak habis cakap! tak kisahlah tak nak dengar fine, isu tu pun aku tak nak la bangkitkan... i also had enuff of that conversation, you sendiri pun cakap had enuff, so fine la... stop that conversation and betulkan apa yang dah jadi... discuss bebaik that you dont like this and that... susah ke? i guess that not rite... nak benda ni tergantung macam ni je?
Kalau aku salah pun, perlu ke buat macam tu? Perlu ke? Patut ke? Just run away like thatkan... yang aku tak habis cakap! tak kisahlah tak nak dengar fine, isu tu pun aku tak nak la bangkitkan... i also had enuff of that conversation, you sendiri pun cakap had enuff, so fine la... stop that conversation and betulkan apa yang dah jadi... discuss bebaik that you dont like this and that... susah ke? i guess that not rite... nak benda ni tergantung macam ni je?
Tah la... jadi makin sebak, jadi makin kecewa, jadi makin marah, jadi makin sakit hati...

...Both of us need to cool down...
Im sorry and apa yang jadi is my mistake!
The Half Blood Princess
- In your Hands, my life begins and ends-