Tapi ni semua kerja manusia... veranggan je la ok tuk dpt muke macam ni... aku excited terlebih lak,kan... hahahah....
So this is our pic....
And Zam and Cida junior will be.....

Cine habis... same je muke dengan anak si SUE.... cume diorg tukar mata je... ahak! Gune template yang sama kot... uhuhuuh.... 10 org buat, confirm sama je anak-anak kitakan? hahahah... tapi aku suke budak ni... comel...
Oh melalui gamba boleh jugak buat Face analyze... so my one...yang ni...
This woman is lax and tolerant with herself and others. An easygoing type, she puts up with just about anything.The novel approach is not for her since she likes stability and safety.
New things can end up freaking her out a bit, or at least make her feel confused and frustrated.She holds strong opinions and beliefs on just about everything, and has long ago decided what is good and what is bad.
She is an expert at seeing things in black and white. She tends to judge people and their actions, whether silently or aloud.She figures she can't afford to lose her temper or raise her voice when irritated. This would not be smart. So she tries to keep her feelings balanced.
This woman is a tough customer. She needs to feel total satisfaction with her what she buys; otherwise she is out the door.She tends to be intelligent, truthful, decisive and determined.She tries to act in a socially acceptable way in order to avoid critical remarks or putdowns. So she pays a lot of attention to clothes and the details of the latest fashion trends.
She welcomes new experiences, encounters and emotions.She takes her time evaluating the situation before making a major decision or starting a new business. (We're talking possibly 5-10 years.)She is thrifty and saves money. Marriage, home and family are very important priorities for her.
So korang rasa betul ke idok?!!
Mr Zamani punya lak... personalitinya
He is good-natured and hard-working. A known procrastinator, he often leaves things until tomorrow because it may take him a while to come to a decision.
The man is pretty conservative in his views; he likes a traditional, established lifestyle.This liberal, unconventional energetic man finds the "same old same old" a pretty boring alternative in life.He figures he can't afford to lose his temper or raise his voice when irritated. This would not be smart. So he tries to keep his feelings balanced.
This man is a tough customer. He needs to feel total satisfaction with his what he buys; otherwise he is out the door.He tends to be intelligent, truthful, decisive and determined.This sensitive man may take criticism to heart.
He takes things personally and can spend a lot of time suffering from this.An optimistic man, his strong, independent personality may be reflected in his music and clothing tastes.This man prefers to deal with what he knows: familiar circumstances, situations or work.He has a knack for repairing things around the house. He can be trustworthy, reliable and a good friend.
Mr Ana, Che Ta, Izatty, Suri... korang kenal Zamanikan... sila value sendiri.... betul ke idok? Me wife dia... ermmm rasa apa eh... biarlah rahsia... let me judge him sendiri ok!
Attractiveness.... oh ni nak perasan sendiri... bila lagi nak perasan... ahak!
Wakakaka... giler perasan la laki aku tukan.... kembang la segalanya... senyum2 kambing...ingat aku tak tahu? Ahak!
So kalau yang teringin nak buat tu... just go here ok!
Have fun semua....

The Half Blood Princess
-With me,You'll Never Walk Alone-