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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Baby's stuff

stroller for the dads
And some of the moms! Available in Japan only from Combi (their US strollers aren't quite so spiffy) is this:
Can you tell what it is? Yep, it's the "M78 ultra man dream baby buggy". I'm normally not too into character goods on this scale (you may find that hard to believe but it's true). And I love the stroller I got for Emily. But for this, I might have made an exception (and I know Evan would have!). All you need is $350 and a trip to Japan to find one.

And when baby's too big, you can move on up to the "M78 ultra man dream junior seat":

Ermmmm terdiam sat aku depan PC baca email Zamani... dia nak beli tuk dia ke atau nak beli tuk baby???? Org kata sambil menyelam sambil2 tu minum air banyak2... tak payah membazir yer... beli stroller biasa, than ko tampal la stiker yang banyak2 tu kat umah... ahak! ok tak idea???

Macam2... anak tak ada apa-apa... ayah pulak yang over...

The Half Blood Princess
-With me,You'll Never Walk Alone-


Mr.Ana said...

kalu nak bli tu dinasihatkan oleh orang lain la..i repeat org lain...sila beli yang praktikal..bukan yang grand@hebat... tak berguna kalu yg mahal/grand/lawa tapi tak praktikal...

Suki Cida said...

Mr ana
Yup agree... janji bole pakai, tolak baby tak ada masalah, tahan lama, dah keselamatan baby dlm tu! agree... En Zamani sila ambik tahu.

Che Ta said...

alang2 angkat quinny la, mmg prektikal, sebelah tgn je
paling penting utk ibu yg terhegeh2 mcm kita haha

cactusjack said...

HALO!!! HALO!!! pehal tetibe pwetik name gua beb? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!