Si kembar 3 ni telah beli bungapi tuk main malam tu... tapi diorg idok la beli banyak... boleh la nak memeriahkan suasana malam raya...
Ni je pun yang di beli... yang mcm kotak tu diorg bakar yang panjang tu????
Kasik kesempatan kat adik bongsu diorg... ahahaha... very the lawak la diorg ni.... paksa ijat pegang... budak ni lak takut2 jugak... iyer la... nak raya ooo esok!
Tapi dlm tak mo laynnnnnn jugak permintaan abang2... akak biasalah, juru gambo... kih kih kih
Yeeeehaaaaa.... Selamat ari raya Uolzzzzzzzz...
Mesti korang heran... rajin aku update??? giler kentang... tuk Cik Hasra... sian dia bosan kat kampung dia nun di sana.... tu bagi dia berita sikit... kih kih tua menanti jooooo
The Half Blood Princess -With me,You'll Never Walk Alone-
Aku la Suki Cida... di sini la aku mulakan segalanya... bingkisan cerita tentang ku...tentang keadaan sekelilingku... tentang mereka-mereka yang aku kenali dan pernah kenali.
Cerita ku yang mungkin membuat orang lebih mengenali ku... kenapa Suki? I dont know,i just loved that name...
Happy reading to all reader... yang suka, singgahlah selalu... tag me at my "jom sembang-sembang" column. Pada yang meluat, bosan dengan ceritaku, maaf di pinta, walau apa pun terima kasih menjenguk page yang tak seberapa ni... tiada paksaan...chewah... ayat tak nak kalah...
Pls read if u want to know me better!
Wat yg nak pikiaq apa orang kata, or apa org rasa?
Biaq pi kat depa.. kita susah, ada depa peduli? so pasai apa nak peduli depa sakit hati if kita senang/happy?
No matter what we do, there's always some people who dont like it.. coz we couldnt satisfy everybody. But we definitely can satisfy ourselves/ So why bother cracking up our heads just to please others instead of ourselves?
People who WHINING alot.. CRITISIZING other people alot...are : 1- those who actually not happy with their lives and want to make others feel the same. or 2- those who couldnt stand knowing other people is happier than them. in other words... those with PHD (Perasaan Hasad Dengki).
So my dear, Clear yourself from all this Negative people. Avoid the unnecessary stress by surrounding yourself with these type of people.
You love to write.. go on writing. I'll support you for as long as what you wrote is good stuff and not offending other people personally.
1 comment: nyer bunga api itu..!! knp aku tak tahu psl ni..huhuhu takde org report pn pasal main bunga wooo...:-))
terima kasih krn memahami yang aku sntiasa menanti update dr mu..hahaha..
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